Mom, I know that you well remember the many times you’ve lost sleep, and maybe shed a few tears of your own, soothing a teething infant. Or you’ve spent the day nursing a preschooler through a toothache or racing to the dentist after your child falls off the bike and chips a tooth. I really do empathize since I have five kids of my own.
Truth is that those little teeth that start budding even before your child is born will continue to demand your attention for some time to come.
While it is generally recommended that your child be seen by a dentist by the age of 1 or within 6 months after his or her first tooth comes in, there is another major milestone that often gets overlooked – and that’s a visit to an orthodontist by age 7 as suggested by the American Association of Orthodontists.
What is Early Orthodontic Treatment? When should my kids see the Orthodontist? Am I too old for braces? Find those answers and more in our free eBook “Getting Started on Your Orthodontic Journey”
I know it might seem early but consider this: by age 7, your child’s mouth has grown to the point of having enough sound structure to tell how it will develop as his or her permanent teeth begin to emerge.
Early orthodontic treatment, which we call interceptive orthodontics, helps us address the structure of the jaw and teeth while the child still has his or her primary teeth. And since some conditions are easier to correct if caught early, early intervention allows the orthodontist to have control over where the permanent teeth come in by addressing the structure of the teeth and jaw. The jaw is still growing; teeth are still developing. That means that certain conditions, such as crowding, may be easier to address.
Benefits of early orthodontic treatment
- Guide the growth of the jaws
- Regulate the width of the upper and lower dental arches
- Guide erupting permanent teeth to desirable positions
- Lower the risk of traumatic injury to protruded upper incisors (front teeth)
- Help eliminate harmful oral habits such as thumb or finger sucking which can cause openbites
- Potentially simplify and/or shorten treatment time for later comprehensive orthodontics
- Reduce likelihood of impacted permanent teeth (teeth that should have come in, but have not), and preserve or gain space for permanent teeth that are appearing
- Improve personal appearance and self-esteem.
Mom, an initial visit to an orthodontist will not only bring you peace of mind as a parent but will also give you the opportunity to help develop a road map for your child’s future orthodontic care.
At Schatz Orthodontics, my team and I welcome your visit and would love to work with you to ensure that your child is blessed with a lifetime of beautiful smiles.
In my next blog, I’ll share some thoughts about what you can expect – and will need to address – as your child continues to grow.
Posted on behalf of
22610 US Highway 281 North, Suite 201
San Antonio, TX 78258
Phone: (210) 494-4606